We left Moscow in a coach, with the word “Sputnik” appropriately marked on its sides. The driver was taking the slightly pot-holed motorway through the Russian countryside to The Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre 35 km’s away. For us it was…

We left Moscow in a coach, with the word “Sputnik” appropriately marked on its sides. The driver was taking the slightly pot-holed motorway through the Russian countryside to The Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre 35 km’s away. For us it was…
Day 2 – Continued Well-refreshed from our coffee break at the underground mall, we all gathered at the statue of Marshall Zhukov, close to the Resurrection Gate. The next event of our day was to be the Moscow Kremlin. It…
Metro and Mausoleum – Day 2 Sunday morning we left our comfortable hotel, a bit bleary-eyed and groggy, to brave the famous Moscow Metro. With a multi-pass ticket, Elena let us through the turnstiles at Izmaylovo Park Station where we…
The Arrival – Day 1 The scenery that was forming through the low, rapidly evaporating clouds as the plane descended, was a white somehow desolate snow covered earth. I could just make out fences and small houses dotted across the…