About me
My name is Jean-Jacques and I’m a philosopher at heart and a traveller by nature.
Photography is my first love and writing my second. These two loves of mine swap places, depending on which one I’m courting in the moment.
Inevitably I always end up in foreign destinations, usually for extended periods of time. Not that I mind, mind you, that’s what I do.
I am currently based in South America, enjoying the sights, sounds and tastes and exploring the region whenever I can.
Thank you for visiting and enjoy the views!
All written work and photographic images on this site are the property of J.J. Montagnier & Travelosopher.org © 2007 – 2016. All Rights Reserved.
Jean-Jacques is an international travel writer and photographer. He has a career in adult education, is a student of psychology and philosophy and is involved in non-commercial life coaching. He travels whenever he can.
Jean-Jacques writes and blogs under a pen name. To contact the author please feel free to use the Contact Page.